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Glass Lids

A wide range of clear glass lids now has been added to  expanding inventory of IC assembly materials. These glass lids are typically made with D-263 glass and come with a B stage epoxy sealant already screened onto the lid.

We currently stock clear glass lids in a variety of sizes. We also offer a variety of glass types and coatings, which are available on a special order basis.

Our glass lids are also suitable for CMOS applications as they meet minimum dust particle and scratch specifications.

Glass Lids part list:

Dimensions in Inches
Glass Lids w/o window 
Part Number Part Type OD ID Mfg Drawing No.
(L) (W) (L) (W)
GL38501S  GLASS LID 0.385 0.307 KEOG-93764-A
GL40901S  GLASS LID 0.409 0.346 KEOG-93417-A
GL53501S  GLASS LID 0.535 0.429 KEOG-93471-A
GL70001S  GLASS LID 0.7 0.547 KE-94293
GL74001S  GLASS LID 0.74 0.629 KEOG-93871-A
Glass lids w/ window
Part Number Part Type OD ID Mfg Drawing No. Window  DIA
(L) (W) (L) (W)
GLSW39001  GLASS LID 0.390 0.335 C-731-25-50M/100NMI-GKL 0.290
GLSW39002  GLASS LID 0.390 0.335 C-2105-21-50M50/350MNI-GKL 0.200
GLSW60501  GLASS LID 0.605 0.485 C-2174-3-50M-100MNIGKL 0.350
GLSW68001  GLASS LID 0.680 0.570 C-2716-3-50M-100MNI-GKL 0.393
GLRW51001  GLASS LID 0.51 0.41 0.42 0.32 C-833-25-50M/100MNT-GKL 0.280
GLRW53001  GLASS LID 0.53 0.43 0.46 0.36 C-2409-25-50M-100MNI-GK 0.330
GLRW54501  GLASS LID 0.545 0.515 0.475 0.445 C-616-21-50M/50/350MNI-GKL 0.350
GLRW59501  GLASS LID 0.595 0.55 0.515 0.47 SPC2235-275-50M50/350/GKL 0.350